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Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation


Invitation for BIDs - New

01. Construction Works of Name Board for the Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation at Colombo 07

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02. Intirior Works of Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation at Colombo 07

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03. Modification Works of Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation at Colombo 07

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Renting of Office Space IFB No. MWFC/F/04/25/I      
Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Resources Conservation
To get the Procurement Notice Click Here..
PROCUREMENT NOTICE Renting of Office Space IFB No. MWFC/F/04/25
Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Resources Conservation (05.10.2023)
To get the Procurement Notice Click Here..

Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation


Renting of Office Space

IFB No. MWFC/F/04/25

  1. The Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation intends to rent an office space of an area around 17,000 ft2 with or without  partitioning in accordance with the requirement of the Ministry for office purposes at  Battaramulla and surrounding areas for a duration of three (3) years. Duration will be extended thereafter if necessary.  
  2. The proposed building should be of reinforced concrete, within a radius of 200 meters from the nearest bus stop or bus station, with easy access for vehicles and provided with essential amenities such as toilet facilities (male & female separately), water, adequate lighting, parking facilities etc., to serve as offices, conference rooms, etc.
  3. Bidding document together with the finalised detailed requirements may be collected from the accounts branch upon a payment of non-refundable fee of Rs. 3000/= to the Accounts section of Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation from10.02.2022 at the address given below (on working hours).
  4. A bid security worth of Rs. 50,000/= and valid until 15.06.2022 should be submitted with the bid.
  5. The duly completed Bidding Document accompanied by valid bid security should be sealed in a single envelope, clearly marked with the Procurement Reference Number and the Bidder’s name at the back of the envelope and addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation, 1090, Sri JayawardanepuraMawatha, Rajagiriya. The sealed envelopes should be deposited in the Tender Box located at the said office not later than 1400 hours local time on or before the03.03. 2022. 
  6. Sealed bidding documents by hand or by post should reach the same address by the same date and time at latest and bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders or their representatives who choose to attend in person immediately after the bid closing. Late submissions will be rejected and shall be returned unopened to the bidder concerned. 
  7. The Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation requires that the Office Space with necessary facilities and with or without partitioning be made available as from 01.07.2022 – 30.06.2025. Priority will be given to the bids with partitioning.
  8. The Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation reserves the right to

(a) accept or reject any bid; and 

(b) annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without incurring any liability towards the bidder. 


Ministry of Wildlife & Forest Conservation

Sri Jayawardenapura Mawatha
Telephone : 0113671498/0113355011