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Ministry of Wildlife and Forest Resources Conservation

State Timber Corporation


State Timber Corporation was established by Gazette Notification No. 14796 dated 04.04.1968 under the State Industrial Corporation Act No. 49 of 1957 whilst further amended and updated by Gazette Notification No. 14879 dated 07.11.1969, Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 178/10 dated 05.02.1982, Extraordinary Gazette Notification No. 1190/07 dated 26.06.2001 and Gazette Notification No. 1538/7 dated 25.02.2008.It is at the height of the timber and timber associate industry and makes a valuable contribution to the Sri Lankan economy.

  • Cutting down of timber from forests, conversion of timber to sawn timber and finished products, sale of timber logs, timber and finished products and construction of roads for such purposes.

  • Purchase, construction and commissioning of lumbering centers, sawmills, oil feeding, preservation, wood drying plants and drying ovens and necessary equipment.
  • Maintaining timber sales centers.
  • Manufacturing and sale of wood by-products.
  • Importation of timber.
  • Initiation of new afforestation projects, reforestation, forest and management forests scientifically.
  • Agricultural products.
  • Export of wood based finished and semi-finished products.
  • Purchase of timber from private lands.
  • Processing of forest related products.
  • Importation of canes.
  • Identification of local and imported timber through sample testing and issuance of timber related certificates.
  • Conducting training programs on timber industry related subjects, awarding certificates and organizing environmental awareness programs.
  • Planning and investing to make full use of the lands and buildings belonging to the Corporation.


Supplier of the nation's most trusted timber and timber products and true leader  in the timber market.


Utilizing technical knowledge, reputation and expertise and in accordance with the national        requirements to fulfill  timber and timber product requirement of the customers on demand in a legal, eco-friendly manner .

Please Visit to Sales for examine the timber related products